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ACE 2022 Academic and Research Awards

Outstanding Paper

Author Names: Dr. Laura Fischer; Texas Tech University, Ginger Orton; Oregon State University, Dr. Cara Lawson; Oregon State University 

Paper Title: Examining the Impact of Disaster Experience with Winter Storm Uri and Climate Change Risk Perceptions on Climate Change Mitigation Policy Support

Outstanding Paper Runner Up

Author Names: Dr. Lauri M. Baker; University of Florida, Ashley McLeod Morin; University of Florida, Cheng-Xian yang; University of Florida, Audrey E.H. King; Oklahoma State University, Shelby O. Thomas; University of Florida, Dr. Kristina Boone; The Ohio State University

Paper Title: Rural Redemption: A model to help understand the perspectives of rural Americans related to vaccine science

Outstanding Dissertation

Author Name: Ashley McLeod Morin;  Ph.D., University of Florida 

Dissertation Title: Strong Societal Connection, Stronger Health Direction: Investigating the Organization-Public Relationship and Science Communication Perceptions Toward the CDC During a Pandemic

Outstanding Runner-Up Dissertation

Author name: : Austin R. Moore;  Ph.D., Texas Tech University 

Dissertation Title: An Exploration of Media Logic Applied within Extension Video Production 

Outstanding Thesis

Author name: Michaela Shaw Kandzer;  University of Florida 

Thesis Title: Public Perceptions of Food Purchasing Habits and Food Safety Behaviors as They Relate to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Outstanding Thesis Runner Up

Author name: Kennedy Mayfield-Smith;  University of Georgia 

Thesis Title: Communicating About Climate Science Using Social Media: Exploring Discourse, Information Seeking and Climate Change Knowledge

Outstanding Proposal

Author name: Marlee E. Stollar; The Ohio State University 

Proposal name: The Influence of Charitable Food Organization Branding on College Students' Behavioral Intent

Outstanding Proposal Runner Up

Author name: Valentina Castano; University of Florida 

Proposal name: Breaking Down Barriers: Idetifying Florida Producers' Knowledge, Perceptions, and Barriers of Compliance with Regulatory Best Management Practices

Outstanding People’s Choice Poster

Author names: Meredith Oglesby, Lauri Baker, Hikaru Peterson, Catherine Campbell, Angie Lindsey, and Ricky TelgUniversity of Florida & University of Minnesota

    Poster Name: Feeding Families: Understanding Challenges and Perceptions of Food Insecure Households during COVID-19  
      Outstanding People’s Choice Runner-Up

        Author names: Lauren Raley and Dr. Nellie Hill; Kansas State University

        Poster Name: Brand Awareness, Perceptions, and Communication Preferences of Specialty Crop, Non-Profit Organization Membership

        JAC Article(s) of the Year

            Challenges and Motivations of Science Communication: An Administrative Perspective at Land-Grant Universities

            Author Names: Ashley McLeod-Morin, University of Florida,  Joy N. Rumble, The Ohio State University, Ricky W. Telg, University of Florida

                Individual Depictions, Causes, and Consequences: Effects of Media Frames on Perceptions Toward the Rural Opioid Epidemic

                Author Names: Cara Lawson, Oregon State UniversityCourtney Meyers, Texas Tech UniversityAmber McCord, Texas Tech UniversityErica Irlbeck, Texas Tech UniversityAmy Boren, Texas Tech University

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