
Sponsors play an essential role in ACE, provide services that advance members’ professional expertise, help create valuable connections and serve our institutional communities.

An ACE sponsorship is an expression of support and faith in ACE. It is a significant contribution that encourages us to continue in our work to provide excellent professional development to agricultural, natural resources, and life and human sciences communicators.

Donor Bret Hess with conference speaker.

Why Partner with ACE?

Your support of ACE connects you to a network of influencers in agriculture, natural resources, and life and human sciences at the nation’s leading research institutions. Your sponsorship positions your organization front and center with the communication leaders of the nation’s land-grant and public universities, state and federal agencies, and corporations, advancing agricultural, natural resources, and life and human science innovation and discovery.

Partnering with ACE provides you access to these thought leaders and invites you to lend your perspectives on important issues.

ACE members take photos during an ACE workshop.


Becoming an ACE sponsor provides you with visibility at many professional development activities, including the annual ACE Conference, traditionally held in June, as well as a fall virtual professional development program and regular webinars sponsored by ACE’s Learning Communities.

Sponsorship/Partnership Levels and Benefits

Contact the ACE office (aceoutreach@gmail.com or 847-647-8861) to secure your support of ACE.

© Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences

ACE Office: 847-647-8861

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