About ACE

The Association for Communication Excellence (ACE) is an international association of professionals who practice in all areas of communication. ACE offers professional development and networking for individuals who extend knowledge about agriculture, natural resources, and life and human sciences.

Who We Are

ACE members are communication faculty and professionals at public and land-grant universities throughout the United States and in similar institutions in other nations. We are communication professionals at local, state and federal agencies; corporations and nonprofit organizations; and agriculture- and natural resources-focused international research centers. ACE members include both active and retired communicators.

ACE members include writers, editors, graphic designers, webmasters, video producers, information technologists, photographers, administrators, researchers, faculty members and others in the communications field. We plan, prepare and disseminate research results and Extension educational materials. We distribute research-based information to scientists and technicians, and practical, problem-solving information to people who put it to work: farmers, families, foresters, food processors, ranchers, homemakers, news media, youth, marine businesses, businesses and many others.

ACE member sits at an office desk having a conversation with another person.

What We Do

ACE is dedicated to the professional development of its members. Today’s communicators require a network of support, plugging them into sources, facts, trends, training and technology. ACE provides that support by providing professional development opportunities to our members, through webinars, professional development grants, online networking (“virtual coffee chats”) and the annual international conference. These opportunities help ACE members develop communication strategies and plans, increase technical knowledge and skills, and provide a venue to network with colleagues from across the U.S. and the world.

Videographer and interviewer smile as they position the camera on a tripod toward the interview subject.

© Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences

ACE Office: 847-647-8861

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