2024 ACE Conference

June 23 - 25, 2024 

Salt Lake City Marriott City Center Hotel

Salt Lake City, Utah

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  • 2024 Annual Conference Summary

ACE 2024 offered Big Ideas and adventures that allowed attendees to take their communication to the next level.

The 2024 conference theme, BIG IDEAS, captured the spirit of innovation and growth that defines agricultural and natural resources communication. The conference equipped attendees with the tools and strategies needed to thrive.

Special guests included keynote speaker Emilie Hitch, Hermance speakers Kevin Kent and Tobin Redwine, and the Reuben Brigham Awardee Matthew Hargreaves.

Many ACE members were recognized for their hard work and dedication to ACE, including this year’s ACE Fellow Jeff Miller; ACE Rising Stars Jens-Kristian Kiel, Ricardo Vela and Cassie Ann Kiggen; and ACE Learning Community Award of Excellence Winners Lori Greiner, Kara Bonsack, Garrett Steede, Faith Peppers, Linda Benedict and Becky Koch. Read more about each of them on our Honor Award Winner page.

Critique and Award winners also were recognized. See C&A winners for the list and links to winning entries. 

Also at this conference, a group of ACE retirees led focus groups for an ACE Review to gather ideas for ACE’s future.

This conference was more than just a platform for learning. It was a chance to connect with a vibrant community of passionate communicators

Keynote Speaker - Emilie Hitch

SVP | Strategy | broadhead

Emilies shared examples of culture shifts – how the interconnectedness of human systems changes. Culture itself includes religion, the economy, politics and kinship or connections. We can have culture shifts by exploring possible future or alternatives. Especially during the pandemic, broadhead studied culture shifts. See https://broadheadco.com/culture-shifts/ and https://broadheadco.com/news/covid-19-and-culture-change-in-motion/. Abundance and scarcity may affect culture shifts, but they may be perceived rather than actual. Historically culture shifts usually happened because of innovation, but more recently changes have been based on consumer demand. We trust others in groups to which we belong. When we’re not in control, we retreat to our inner circle. Empathy is focusing on them, not us.

Hermance Speakers -

Kevin Kent Creative Director, Vivayic and Toby Redwine  Learning Analyst Functional Leader, Vivayic 

After kicking off their presentation with a singalong, including personalized songs and guitar accompaniment, Tobin and Kevin shared ideas of what connects us. We’re all “agenda movers” – people who see problems and engage to solve them or people someone asks to help make something happen. Don’t do things the way someone else would do them; do them like you. Our personal, purposeful and professional agendas should overlap. Together they provide motivation.  If one is low, we’re stressed or unmotivated. They influence each other and are influenced by each other. Alignment of the three leads to big impact and agendas moved. If you’re an agenda setter, thank the agenda movers. Maximizing alignment also helps us be agenda influencers. To develop clarity on projects, write in quadrants the problem, people involved, approach and success measures.


Faith Peppers receives Leadership and Management Award of Excellence
2024 ACE President Tobie Blanchard recognizes Matthew Hargreaves with Reuben Brigham Award.
Jeff Miller is recognized as the 2024 ACE Fellow.
Keynote speaker Emilie Hitch delivers the 2024 keynote address.
Kevin Kent and Tobin Redwine deliver the Hermance Speaker address.
ACE members present posters during the opening reception.
The 2024 ACE Conference Planning Committee stops for a group photo before festivities begin.
Kevin Kent and Tobin Redwine deliver the Hermance Speaker address.
Big Foot made an appearance during the opening reception and stopped for selfies with ACE members.


Lauri M. Baker

University of Florida

Ashley McLeod Morin - UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education


Kelsey Armstrong

Elon University

Kelsey Hall

Utah State University

Audrey King

Oklahoma State University

Kevin Kent


Tunyalee A. Martin

Statewide IPM Program, University of California

John Martins

National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Ex-officio & Liaisons 

LaRachelle Smith 

ACE President

Tobie Blanchard

ACE Vice President

Ruth Borger

ACE Development Director

Jeff Miller

ACE Treasurer

Lori Gula

ACE Professional Development Director

© Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences

ACE Office: 847-647-8861

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