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Media Relations

Class Descriptions: Media Relations

Judging criteria (class 1): Planning/development 15%, Media interest 20%, Quality 20%, Target audience reach 20%, Impact 25%

Judging criteria (class 2): Newsworthiness/Timeliness 35%, Writing/AP style 30%, Key messaging/Impact 30%, Photos/graphics/cutlines 5%

Judging criteria (class 3): Personalized pitch 40%, Timeliness 30%, Key messaging/Impact 20%, Additional information 10%

Media Relations 1 | Media relations campaign - Submit materials that document a systematic media relations effort. Explain how and why this program was conceived and how it was implemented. Describe goals and audiences. Provide evidence of use, results or impact (anecdotal information, clippings, viewer analytics if available, comments or informal evaluations). Include examples of the various parts that made up the whole. These may include but are not limited to news releases, websites, radio spots, video news releases, and promotional materials.

Media Relations 2 | News release - Submit a news release transmitted to media (general, trade or other outlets). Describe the audiences, goals, and strategy and tactics used. Summarize the results, including links to resulting coverage.

Media Relations 3 | Media pitch - Submit materials that describe efforts involved in a request for news coverage, publication of a guest commentary/op-ed piece, or the opportunity to interview a faculty expert. Describe the audiences, goals, and strategy and tactics used. Include links to or descriptions of news releases or other materials shared with the pitch target. Summarize the results, including links to resulting coverage.

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