Judging criteria (classes 1-8, 10): Content is engaging, appropriate, and well-organized with a logical flow: 20%, Publication fulfills stated purpose: 30%, Writing is clear and concise with good grammar and appropriate punctuation: 20%, Overall appearance (including cover design) is appropriate and engaging: 10% Publication follows design principles and includes appropriate typography and engaging illustrations/photographs: 20%
Judging criteria (class 9): Planning 30%, Quality of materials and message 50%, Evaluation 20%
Publishing 1 | Newsletters. Submit at least three issues of a newsletter directed to a specific audience (in-house or external). Newsletters may be digital or printed and educational, informational, or promotional.
Publishing 2 | Magazines and periodicals. Submit one issue of a monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual magazine or periodical. It may be digital or printed and should be prepared in a popular style for broad audiences. Entry must have a date and/or volume number indicated.
Publishing 3 | Technical publications. Submit one copy of a publication prepared as a research report, special publication, scholarly journal, brochure, or other printed material focusing on research. The audience may be scientists in agricultural or related research, professional workers in education and industry, or others interested in technical subjects.
Publishing 4 |Annual and special reports. Submit one copy of a published report produced annually or only once. Entries may include agency reports or Experiment Station and Extension service reports that summarize activities or work within one or more specific subject areas.
Publishing 5 | Promotional publications. Submit one copy of a publication, typically a brochure, flier or pamphlet, created for promotional purposes.
Publishing 6 | Popular publications, other This class is for publications not described in Classes 1–5. May be digital or printed.
Publishing 7 | Digital-only publications. This publication differs from a website, database or other electronic data in that, regardless of length, it has been published under a single title as a fact sheet, circular, bulletin, newsletter, book, handbook, etc. It is not necessary for it to have a paper equivalent, but it must have been produced for onscreen delivery with obvious attention to the format, layout, text and font for enhanced usability/readability. Electronic publications will be evaluated on overall ease of use, design, editorial quality, content delivery, appropriate use of electronic techniques, and appeal to the intended audience. A digital publication may be resubmitted in succeeding years if a description is included indicating how the publication has changed from the previous version. A digital publication may combine text from numerous print documents to become an independent onscreen publication, or it may be a publication converted from a paper-only document with adaptations for electronic delivery.
Publishing 8 | Editing. Entries may be book manuscripts or publications in which the entrant's contribution is substantive editing. If the entry is a publication, submit a copy of the original manuscript and a copy of the edited manuscript (does not necessarily need to show editing marks). If the entry is a book, submit copies of the original manuscript and the edited manuscript for the table of contents, first chapter and a chapter of your choice.
Publishing 9 | Publications for diverse audiences. Submit in the class if your you electronic media, video & audio shows consideration for audiences with diverse backgrounds or is inclusive of people from diverse backgrounds.
Publishing 10 | Educational Publications, 12 pages or less. This class is for educational publications intended for a general,
non-technical audience. Submit 1 copy of a publication no more than 12
pages long. It may be digital or printed.