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Arthur B. Higbee

Arthur B. Higbee
ACE President 1978-79
Utah State University
Logan, UT

Arthur HigbeeArt Higbee was born August 12, 1921, in Benson, Arizona. He received a bachelor's degree in business administration in 1948 and a master's degree in speech (radio-television) in 1965, both from Utah State University. In 1970, he received a doctorate in speech from Michigan State University.

Before joining the Utah extension service in 1958, he worked for several radio and television stations in Utah. While studying for his doctorate, he was an instructor in the radio-television department at Michigan State University.

In 1970, he became associate director for the Media Production, Learning Resources Program at Utah State, and was also manager of statewide television and radio programs for the extension service.

From 1982 until his retirement in 1987, Higbee was professor and director of telecommunications at Utah State.

Other memberships include the Utah Telecommunications Association, the Utah Educational Media Associations, the Utah Broadcasters Association and the Broadcast Educators Association.

After retiring, the Higbees moved to Salt Lake City to be nearer to a son and daughter. They divided their time between Salt Lake City and Mesa, Arizona.

Higbee died January 8, 1998. He was 76 years old.

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