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Charles N. Voyles

Charles N. Voyles
ACE President 1973-74
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK

Charles Voyles

Charles Voyles was born in Ikemah, Oklahoma, April 27, 1928. He received a bachelor's degree in 1952 and a master's degree in 1954, both in agricultural education and both from Oklahoma State.

He started his career as an editorial assistant in the office of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station in 1953. In 1954, he was promoted to assistant publications editor, and in 1961, he was named agricultural publications editor. In 1967, he was named associate director of public information, extension editor and experiment station editor. In 1975, he was promoted to head of the agricultural information department.

Voyles received the ACE Pioneer Award in 1957 and served on a three-man task force to study the reorganization of AAACE in 1967. He is listed in "Who's Who in the South and Southwest."

In addition to his professional activities, he has been active with Little League soccer, baseball and his church.

Voyles retired from the university January 1, 1988. In retirement, he was active in Kiwanis International and his church. He also worked as an inspector and sales representative for a roofing company. He passed away December 29, 2005.

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