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Elaine Harvey Edwards

Elaine Harvey Edwards
ACE President 2011-12
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas

Elaine Edwards

Elaine Edwards was born Dec. 7, 1956. She was raised on a crop and livestock farm in Humboldt County, Iowa. A nine-year 4-H member, she graduated from Humboldt High School in 1975. She received a B.S. degree in Agricultural Journalism in 1979, and an M.S. in Journalism and Mass Communication in 1994, both from Iowa State University.

In 1979, she began her professional career as an information specialist for Corn Belt Power Cooperative, in Humboldt, Iowa. She served for three years as a farm reporter for the Fort Dodge Messenger, from 1984 to 1986.

Elaine began her Extension career in 1987 as a communications specialist for Iowa State University, serving the agricultural program area for 14 years. In 2001, she was named manager of the ISU Extension Communications staff.

In 2008, she joined the staff of K-State Research and Extension at Kansas State University, managing the News Media and Marketing Services unit.

An ACE member since 1988, she was the recipient of the Media Relations Award of Excellence. She has also served as Treasurer for ACE.

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