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Frank Hamilton Jeter

Frank Hamilton Jeter
ACE President 1919-20
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC

Frank JeterFrank Jeter was born May 2, 1891, in Union County, South Carolina, where he grew up on his father's 3,000-acre farm. He graduated third in his class at Clemson Agricultural College in 1911, with a bachelor's degree in agriculture. His first job following graduation was assistant to the director of the North Carolina agricultural experiment station.

He spent one year (1913-14) in private industry in Atlanta, Georgia, and returned to the college in 1914 as agricultural editor. He returned to Atlanta in 1920 to work as editorial director for the Southern Fertilizer Association. In 1922, he returned again to North Carolina State, where he eventually became director of communications.

During his 40-plus years at North Carolina State, he contributed much to the development of agriculture in North Carolina. He encouraged better farming and homemaking, and he interpreted scientific agriculture to make it easier for farmers to understand.

In 1948,Jeter received an honorary doctorate from Clemson University. He also received the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Superior Service Award in 1954, and a certificate for meritorious service to agriculture from the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation.

Jeter was active in civic, fraternal and religious organizations. He was president of the Raleigh Kiwanis Club in 1925, and lieutenant-governor of his Kiwanis International District in 1927. He was also a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, where he served as an elder.

He continued as director of communications until his death on September 16, 1955. He was 64 years old.

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