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Frederick Johnson Keilholz

Frederick Johnson Keilholz
ACE President 1940-41
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL

Frederick Keilholz"Dutch" Keilholz was born in Fortville, Indiana, July 6, 1898. He received a bachelor's degree in animal husbandry from Purdue University in 1920. While a student at Purdue, he worked in the extension editorial office. Following graduation, he was named extension editor at the University of Kentucky.

He left Kentucky in 1923 to become the first extension editor at the University of Illinois, where he supervised press, radio and other information activities. At Illinois, he also taught agricultural and home economics journalism and served on a number of major university committees. He served on the Illinois staff until 1943. From 1944 to 1955, he was associate editor of Country Gentleman in Philadelphia. Beginning in 1955, he worked three years for a trade association in Chicago.

In 1958, he became editor of the Journal of American Insurance and information director for the American Mutual Insurance Alliance in Chicago, retiring from that position in 1965. He served eight years on the Urbana board of education and was its secretary. He was also a member of Rotary International, Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma Delta Chi and Epsilon Sigma Phi.

He died suddenly in Chicago March 7, 1966 at the age of 67.

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