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George Round

George Round
ACE President 1955-56
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE

George Round

George Round was born in Acadia, Nebraska, in 1907. He began his career as a student at the University of Nebraska, writing stories part-time for the extension service. When he received his degree from the university in 1933, he was appointed extension editor.

When the university established a department of public relations in 1945, he was its first director. In 1956, he helped establish a department of information in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics. He was its first chairman. He continued as chairman until 1963 and as extension editor until 1966, when his responsibilities as director of public relations demanded his full-time attention.

While at Nebraska, he originated two weekly radio programs, "Farm Facts and Fun" and "Your University Speaks," and a television program, "Backyard Farmer." In the early 1950s, Round served as chairman of the university's Educational Television Committee, which was responsible for the establishment of the university's station, KUON-TV, one of the first in the nation.

In 1955, he received a U. S. Department of Agriculture Superior Service Award. In 1967, he received an outstanding service award from station KMMJ, Grand Island, Nebraska, and was elected to the Hall of Fame of the Mid-America District of the American College Public Relations Association.

He retired from the university in 1973 after 40 years of service and died March 16, 1992, in Camarillo, California. He was 84 years old.

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