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Holly Young

Holly Young
ACE President 2002-03
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH

Holly Young

Holly Young was born in Portsmouth, NH. She earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of New Hampshire.

She first interned as a reporter for the Portsmouth, NH, Herald, working her way from intern to reporter to editor, before returning as a staff/writer editor for the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension in 1988. She is currently UNH Cooperative Extension’s Communications/Marketing director.

Young, who has been a member of ACE since 1989, received the Northeast Pioneer Award, served as the Northeast Director and Development Fund chair, and as ACE President from 2002-2003, when ACE formally voted to change to the name that it holds today.

Young has been involved in numerous volunteer activities in New Hampshire, where she served as president of Pro Portsmouth, an organization which brings over 100,000 people to downtown Portsmouth, NH, for a day-long celebration of the city. She is now involved in the 4-H Foundation of New Hampshire. She also was involved as a board member for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Seacoast, and served on the board of the NH Charitable Foundation.

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