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Janet Rodekohr

Janet Rodekohr
ACE President 1996-97
University of Georgia
Athens, GA

Janet Rodekohr

Janet Rodekohr was born October 31, 1947, and raised on a farm near Battle Creek, Nebraska. She received her bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Nebraska in 1969, where she began her career with the agricultural communications department in 1970 as an editorial assistant.

She received a master's degree in agricultural journalism in 1977 from the University of Wisconsin, then joined the staff of the University of Georgia as an extension service editor in Statesboro, Georgia. In 1982, she transferred to Athens as editor, and in 1992, she added duties as an educational marketing specialist.

Her primary responsibilities include writing and editing stories for newspapers and magazines. She also conducts training workshops on writing, photography, media relations and marketing.

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