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Larry Quinn

Larry A. Quinn
ACE President 1984-85
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, D.C.

Larry Quinn

Larry Quinn was born September 9, 1945 in Sayre, Oklahoma, and grew up on a wheat farm north of Guymon, Oklahoma. He received a bachelor's degree in agronomy in 1967 from Oklahoma Panhandle A & M College and a master's degree in educational administration in 1973 from Texas A & M University.

His interest in communications began at age nine when he entered his first 4-H public speaking contest. By the time he was 17, he was a staff announcer at KGYN in Guymon, where he worked for four years. He worked as a disc jockey/announcer while earning his bachelor's degree.

He has worked as an Air Force civilian information specialist and a field editor and radio-television specialist for Texas A & M. In 1974, he joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture's television service, and in 1980 he was named chief of the Motion Picture Division in USDA's Office of Governmental and Public Affairs.

Quinn currently serves on the board of directors of the Federal Executive Institute Alumni Association and is co-chairman of its Executive Development and Networking Committee. He is also active in the Presbyterian church.

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