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Marvin G. Osborn

Marvin G. Osborn
ACE President 1920-21
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA

Marvin Osborn

Marvin Osborn was born in Winnsboro, Louisiana, March 4, 1885. He received a bachelor's degree in 1906 and a master's degree in 1924, both from Louisiana State University. During his undergraduate days at LSU, he served as campus correspondent to various newspapers and was a member of the editorial staffs of the student newspaper and the student annual.

Following his graduation in 1906, he served as assistant registrar at LSU and continued to supply the press with news of university activities.

In 1913, when the university set up the Agricultural Extension Division, Osborn was asked "to organize and conduct this activity." By 1948, the division had been expanded to include the entire university, and became the Bureau of Public Relations. He was also chairman of the Committee on University Publications.

In 1920, he became head of the department of journalism. This department later became the School of Journalism, and Osborn served as its head until his retirement on July 1, 1955.

In addition to his work with AAACE, Osborn was also president of the American Association of Teachers in Journalism and Kappa Tau Alpha, national scholastic journalism fraternity. He belonged to the American Association of Schools of Journalism and the Association for Education in Journalism. He was also active in the Boy Scouts, the Kiwanis Club, the LSU Alumni Association and other organizations.

He died in Baton Rouge January 23, 1958. He was 73 years old.

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