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Steve Dodrill

Steve Dodrill
2009-10 ACE President
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon

Steve Dodrill

Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, Steve Dodrill says his Midwestern family and friends helped shape who he is today, including a fan of Cornhusker football.

Dodrill graduated from high school in 1979, then ventured to the University of Montana where he earned bachelor degrees in print and broadcast journalism. He began his graduate studies in 1984 after winning the Radio-Television News Director Association’s annual graduate scholarship. The following year, he began working in television news.

With skills as a reporter, videographer, and anchor, Dodrill worked at television stations in Missoula, Montana, Joplin, Missouri, Eugene, Oregon, and Springfield, Oregon. He completed his master’s degree in public relations from the University of Oregon, then joined Oregon State University’s Extension & Experiment Station Communications as an assistant professor in late 1990. Dodrill was promoted to associate professor in 1996, selected the leader of a county Extension office in 2008, then returned to regional and statewide communication projects in 2010 after the county Extension office lost its funding.

Dodrill joined ACE in 1991. He was a leader in the Electronic Media SIG from 1993-96, a team member for the 1995 Western Region Workshop, elected Western Region Director in 2003-04, a team member of the Planning and Program Committees for ACE’s 2004 Annual Conference, and chair of the Professional Development Committee from 2005-07. He served as a member of the ACE Leadership Institute team from 2006-08, was chair of the ACEWeb 2.0 Task Force in 2009-10, and co-chair of the ACE Web Communications Committee in 2010-11.

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