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Wallace Sheldon Moreland

Wallace Sheldon Moreland
ACE President 1941-42
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ

Wallace MorelandWallace Moreland was born February 21, 1901, in Salem, Massachusetts. In 1926, he received a bachelor's degree in poultry husbandry from Connecticut Agricultural College, (now the University of Connecticut) where he quarterbacked the university's football team in 1924.

Following graduation, he taught poultry husbandry and was assistant football coach at Connecticut. In 1928, he became assistant extension editor at Rutgers University. In 1931, he became extension editor, and in 1937, he was made an assistant professor of journalism. In 1942, he was promoted to assistant to the president at Rutgers, and in 1946 he became director of public relations.

He retired from Rutgers in 1963 and returned to the University of Connecticut, where he worked in public relations, athletics, audio-visual services and other activities. He retired again in 1972, and died January 9, 1989 at the age of 87.

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