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ACE Service Award

The ACE Service Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional service to ACE.


  1. Nominations for this award may be made by any ACE member.
  2. A nominee must be a current or retiree member of ACE.   
  3. Current ACE board members and directors-elect are not eligible for this award. 
  4. It is not necessary that the Service Award be given each year. The award should be reserved for those who have made truly significant contributions to ACE. Only one award may be presented each year.
  5. The ACE Board of Directors is responsible for selecting the awardee.  
  6. The ACE Board of Directors may reject any nomination if the candidate does not meet acceptable standards of documented performance.
  7. Runner-up nominees are not considered automatic candidates in subsequent years. New nominations are to be made each year.
  8. Selection, acquisition, and engraving of appropriate plaques or certificates is a function of the ACE management office. No cash or sponsored award is allowed.
  9. The award recipient is encouraged to attend the ACE annual meeting to receive the award, although attendance is not required.
  10. The identity of the honoree will not be revealed to the membership at large until presentation time at the annual meeting.

Nomination Form

Past Recipients

© Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences

ACE Office: 847-647-8861

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